
Windows 7 icon spacing
Windows 7 icon spacing

windows 7 icon spacing

Once you apply, you will need to right click on the desktop and do a Refresh or even logoff and back on again.ĮA 4.0 - package icon in the tree view list is not updated I've only tried a couple of sizes too so setting can cause problems. In the drop-down list item, select the caption buttons and adjust the size to change the distance between the icons. The dialog box that appears should be titled 'window color and appearance '. Then click on the color button of the window (at the bottom of the window). I don't know if the path is the same in Win7, but in 2008 R2, you right-click on the desktop and select Personalize. When I set it down to the size buttons for the GET pinned icons smaller and thus the icons closer together.

windows 7 icon spacing

The default on my version of Windows (2008 R2) was 18 years old. You can change the space between icons (really the size of the buttons) by changing the size of "Buttons" in the window color and appearance. Just after I posted that space is really needed, I found the answer who asked the original question. More important still, how to shrink the space between icons? On Vista and XP, you could drag the icons to manage your space. Why is Microsoft put so much empty space between the small icons unopened? It's wasted space. New programs quickly cause Group and are difficult to manage. However, the icons of small programs (when not in use) are spaced so far that there is little room to spare. Because I want a decent number of programs in my taskbar for easy access, I chose the small icons and no names, etc. How can I change the spacing between icons in the taskbar?

Windows 7 icon spacing